Set in the sought after village of Newborough with its own primary school and catchment of AMVC secondary school. The development comprises of a mix of two bedroom detached bungalows, 4 bedroom townhouses and four and five bedroom detached homes. The site is anticipated for completion 2018. Early reservation are now being taken.
Newborough is a village and a civil parish in the Peterborough district, Cambridgeshire, England. Newborough is situated 7.62 km (4.74 mi) North of Peterborough. Newborough has a population of 1,670 according to the 2011 census [1] Newborough is located along the B1443 and is a short distance away from the A16.
On leaving the Rosedale office, proceed to the roundabout and take the 3rd exit onto the A15. Proceed to the Brotherhood Retail Park roundabout and take the 1st exit onto the A47. Proceed to the roundabout at the end and take the 2nd exit and then the first exit on the left onto Newborough Road. Proceed into the village of Newborough and the site can be found on the right hand side.
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